Learner Newsletter 07/11/16

Learner Newsletter 07/11/16

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Monday 7th November 2016



Learner Newsletter





November is Safe and Strong Month at the College and we are delivering a range of activities under this theme.  We started with the Safeguarding and Prevent radicalisation tutorial where you discussed the potential risks, either online or in the wider society, that could make people vulnerable to extremist ideologies. You explored how British values links to our own college values of democracy, respect and tolerance for people of all faiths and those with none, rule of law and individual liberty and freedom of speech.


We have many other activities this month which will include Safer Driving, NHS Sexual Health, Trident Police workshops as well as the Student Union Anti-bullying Awareness Campaign starting on the 14th November.


A reminder that Parents/Guardians' Consultation Evening is taking place this evening starting at 6pm,  We very much look forward to welcoming the families and friends of our young learners.



“Stay strong and stand up for others around you.”

 Will Smith

Laura Ryan, Head of Learner Development 


Ofsted Visit - Tuesday 8th November to Friday 11th November 2016

Ofsted will be visiting the college this week, the team will be arriving on Tuesday and will be with us until Friday. Their visit will focus on teaching and learning and the wider learner experience at the college.  Business will run as usual and we look forward to a successful inspection.



November Safe and Strong Campaign - SAME Academy- Driving safety Awareness


On Wednesday 2nd November and Thursday 10th November selected Tutorial and Youth Engagement groups will have the opportunity to attend driving awareness workshops. This will be delivered by the SAME Academy in partnership with Lambeth Council and will explore the following in relation to road safety:

  • Peer Pressure
  • Seatbelt usage
  • Mobile Phones
  • Drink & Drug driving 
  • Speeding issues

The sessions are part of the Safe and Strong Campaign which runs throughout the month of November and will be an excellent opportunity for learners to reflect and discuss issues relating to their personal safety.



Trident (Gun and Knife arm of the Metropolitan Police): A workshop focusing on gun and knife crime, and sexual exploitation in gangs was delivered to 195 learners who said they found the presentation useful and thought-provoking.


Prevent Radicalisation Presentations were delivered by the FE Prevent Regional Co-ordinator to 140 learners at the end of October. Learners were informed about the risks relating to radicalisation and asked to identify risks in their local communities that may make them vulnerable. All learners confirmed to the Prevent Co-ordinator that they would speak to their tutor or LDC if they wanted to ask for help.


The Student Union will run an Anti-bullying social media and poster campaign which will include strong messages on bullying relating to the nine protected characteristics: sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, race, religion, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity.


Anti-Bullying tutorial to be delivered to all LDC groups (approximately 3,000 learners in over 150 tutorials) during Anti-Bullying Week beginning 14th November


Promoting literacy and building resilience: famous local author, Alex Wheatle OBE, will deliver motivational literacy workshops to all Level 1 groups to promote reading and encourage attendance at English..


Gaia Charity for gender based violence including gang related gender violence will deliver their workshop to targeted groups throughout November.



Learner Participation in the Ofsted Survey
We would like to thank learners for giving their views of the college through their participation  in the recent Ofsted learner view survey.
We are happy to report that the number of responses is the highest of all London colleges in the last year.  We welcome all feedback from our learners and this has already helped to inform our plans around how we can continuously improve as a college.


LDC Update

In Next week’s LDC session you will be asked to complete the Work Experience Questionnaire. This is a great opportunity to start reflect on your key skills and qualities and think about where you may need to improve and challenge yourself in order to become work experience ready. This questionnaire will be carried out at different intervals during the year to allow you to see how much progress you have made.
This can also be used as an opportunity to start thinking about your CV and how you can apply the skills you have identified when putting your CV together.


Welfare - Walcott Foundation

The Walcott Foundation will be in C101 on Wednesday 9th November 1:00pm-3:00pm to give support with grant applications.



Old Vic – Stage Business Audition Workshop and Theatre Visit to King Lear!
On Tuesday 2nd November a group of 12 learners from ESOL went on a theatre visit to see King Lear. The learners really enjoyed the experience and they saw a production from a star studded cast including Glenda Jackson, Jane Horrocks, Celia Imrie and  Rhys Ifans.
Following this 30 Business and ESOL learners then auditioned for the Stage Business Project which aims to increase the confidence and employability skills of learners through the medium of public speaking, group work, performance and education.
Keep an eye out in this newsletter for further updates on this exciting project!    



HE Workshops

Two HE workshops have been delivered on Wednesday 2nd November by lecturers from Westminster University and UCFB.

Students studying photography and Sports met both HE institutions and learnt about the skills universities are looking for, why studying at university, entry requirements and personal statements.

Daniel and Brandon from L3 Sports said:
‘It was very good. Isobel Hughes gave a lot of useful information such as what the course offers and where it is based as well as factors to consider when applying for this course
. After today’s session I feel like my confidence has raised and now I have a better understanding’.
For further information, please contact Stefania Caria at scaria@lambethcollege.ac.uk or 020 7501 5164.






Sports Personalities of the Month receive Jack Petchey Awards  

Lambeth College learners Daniella and Eric have been recognised with the Jack Petchey Award for showing outstanding commitment, performance and enthusiasm taking part in the College organised Sports Enrichment Activities.  Daniella has been attending women’s football sessions and has not missed a session ever since she started in September.  She is always on time and does her best to encourage others to follow her lead.  Daniella is a true leader, she is enthusiastic an always willing to support and help others. Eric is a member of the College Football team and has demonstrated outstanding performance and skills when playing football.  He maintains a positive attitude and helps others to improve. Both learners work very hard in their classrooms to complete their courses and have high attendance. Learners will be spending their award money on college sports equipment and kit.


Career Ready Programme Interviews

Good luck to all the students who have applied for the Career Ready programme and will be interviewed on the 2nd, 3rd and 9th November.


For some students this is the first interview experience and it will be a great opportunity to learn and practice effective interview techniques. Every student will also receive feedback which will enable them to prepare better for interviews in the future and become more confident.
Successful students will get:

  • A mentor to act as a guide, sounding board and critical friend
  • Practical advice on CVs and applications
  • The chance to develop employability skills, social skills and confidence/self-esteem through regular contact with working people and work places
  • An increased awareness of jobs and career possibilities

For further information, please contact Stefania Caria at scaria@lambethcollege.ac.uk or 020 7501 5164.


DBS Drop-in sessions in Room S012
DBS applications can be made in Room S012 (opposite Reception) every day between 11:00 and 13:15. 
Please bring ID and 2 documents as proof of your current address. You can also discuss your work placement with Paul (Health & Social Care)
or Jenny (Childcare).




What to do if you feel unsafe or have concerns about another learner or friend at college?

Speak to your tutor or LDC

You can also email this concern to: safeguarding@lambethcollege.ac.uk
You can also contact The Voice Helpline on 0207 501 5777
Our priority is your safety.