Learner Newsletter

Learner Newsletter

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Monday 21st November 2016



Learner Newsletter





Safeguarding is at the heart of this college and we place a high value on encouraging an environment of mutual respect and tolerance in our learning community.  Anti-bullying workshops took place last week and learners told us they benefitted from discussions on how to stay safe and who to contact to report incidents of bullying and harassment. 


We are ambitious for our learners and want them to achieve the very best outcomes and this is reflected in our Career Ready Standards.  Research firmly indicates that excellent attendance equals excellent results.  Your success is achieved through attending all classes  including English and Maths.  Fast forward to June and predict your outcome through your attendance percentage.  Your future is in your hands so make sure you are present, on time and ready to learn.  Bursaries are currently being allocated and this support will be based on a 90% attendance target each month after the first payment.



"Ambition is the desire to go forward and improve one's condition. It is a burning flame that lights up the life of the individual and makes him see himself in another state. To be ambitious is to be great in mind and soul."
Marcus Garvey

Laura Ryan, Head of Learner Development 



To reiterate the importance of Literacy, this week’s LDC session will recap on SPAG- Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. The session will have a clear focus on evaluating how your assignments are marked, how SPAG is used and the opportunity to proof read and mark some topical articles.

The Walcott Foundation will be offering grant application support in C101, 1-3pm on Wednesday 23rd November.




Student Union

To Recognise Anti-Bullying Week the Student Union launched a poster campaign which involved learners and staff having their photos taken with Anti-Bullying slogans and put up on a display in the college reception. This campaign was to reiterate that the college takes a zero tolerance stance to any form of bullying and to re enforce that any concerns should be reported to your LDC or college Safeguarding team.



'A Little Night Music' Performance 

Congratulations to Lambeth College’s Performing Arts learners who raised a total of £433.22 for the Royal British Legion, Poppy Appeal. Well done!


Stage Business Inspiration Day!
Following a successful Audition Workshop last Friday, 9 learners from Business and ESOL have been successful in securing the highly prestigious places of Stage Business Ambassadors with the Old Vic. This exciting project will involve work experience and the chance to work on employability skills, public speaking, team work and teaching techniques. The learners will be working with the Old Vic and Radio 1 on Monday 21st November in an inspiration day where they will hear from key note speakers and get the chance to take part in a variety of practical activities. Look out for further updates here in the coming weeks!


College UCAS Deadline

The college application deadline has been extended to Friday 2nd December in response to numerous requests. If you still have not registered on UCAS, please remember that the buzzword to link your application to our centre is Southside2017 for all students except for students studying Engineering who will be using Belmore2017.



Martial Arts and Self Defence Lessons

Lambeth College learners and their tutors have been taking part in multiple martial arts and self-defence lessons alongside their courses in the College GYM. Learners enjoyed the activity and learned new martial arts skills: how to defend themselves with proper techniques .Well done to Diego and Joseph who were the most active participants and have been nominated for the Jack Petchey award for taking part in the activity, encouraging other to participate and also being star learners in their classrooms. Learners have spent their award money for the college martial arts equipment. All groups of learners are welcome to come and join the GYM activities every Wednesday afternoon between 3:00 and 5:00pm.




What to do if you feel unsafe or have concerns about another learner or friend at college?

Speak to your tutor/LDC or email this concern to: safeguarding@lambethcollege.ac.uk

You can also contact The Voice Helpline on 0207 501 5777

Our priority is your safety.




(Edited by Chris Roberts - original submission Tuesday, 22 November 2016, 2:29 PM)